London Fetish Scene
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This is a confirmed listing. However events do occcasionally change venue, time, or date at short notice. It is always worthwhile checking any webslites linked to the event to get the latest information available. If you do find that our information is wrong then please do leave feedback as it will alert us to correct the listing and warn other users of a potentially wasted journy.

Event name: >>> - CANCELLED - London Poly Picnic - Ealing <<<            
Event Date: 07/07/24 (DD/MM/YY)
Start Time: 12 lunch                                                     
End Time: 2.30pm                                                       
Event Theme:
picnic time! - sorry cancelled due to weather 
Hi my lovelies! missed you all so munch!

Picnic time! Bring some food, blankets, guitars, games, drinks and whatever else you fancy.

Will be posting a map shortly.

Can't wait to see you.

All the hugs,

David x 
Dress Code:
whatever you fancy but obviously keep it legal :-) 
Cost of Entry: free                                                         
Walpole Park, 8 Mattock Lane, Ealing, W5, look for the tall flag and please see FL link where map will be posted. 
Map: A map.......       