London Fetish Scene
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Event name: Torture Garden Brighton - 2018 August Manor House Party      
Event Date: 18/08/18 (DD/MM/YY)
Start Time: 21:00                                                        
End Time: 03:00                                                        
Event Theme:
Brighton Valentines Manor House Party

New Torture Garden Brighton Party at a grand 18th century Manor House in the country just a 10 min drive from Brighton

The venue has a limited capacity of 350 so purchase your advance ticket asap to attend. 
Torture Garden is the worlds largest fetish / body art club.

It stages monthly London events, at a variety of London venues, from showcase events for Halloween, Valentines and the TG Birthday Ball at The Coronet, through to smaller scale parties at unique venues such as The HMS President or TG favourite The Electrowerks

Attendances vary from 2600 at our Birthday Ball, to 1800 at Halloween and Valentines, and 900 during the summer.

Events feature 3 - 6 themed rooms, radical performance art, body ritual, fashion shows, burlesque cabaret, live music, art installations, eclectic music and an enforced fantasy dress code.

Although primarily a fetish club, Torture Garden has always fused other underground cultures such as body art, goth, industrial, burlesque, electro etc, to create a diverse and unique scene and crowd all of its own. 
Dress Code:
The TG dress code strives to avoid narrow limitations and encourage individual imagination and diversity. A modern fetish club is like an adult fancy dress party and is more about fantasy and transformation than just rubber and leather. Also, many of the best outfits seen at TG are made by those wearing them or assembled from various second hand articles (i.e.: theatrical costume or uniforms). So if you can't afford expensive rubber or leather costumes then explore personal fantasies and use your imagination, or even try body paint! Please always remember that if your outfit wouldn't turn heads in the street - don't bother to wear it to Torture Garden. Also, many of those attending bring their outfit in a bag and get changed within the club.
Cost of Entry: See website                                                  
At a secret location
Map: A map.......      